2024 RWA Scholarship Winner is

Gianna Portera from Riverview School District

who will attend University of Miami, FL in the Fall 2024. 

We wish you continued success!


Empowering Women.

                            Making a Difference.


RWA Scholarship Applications - CLOSED until March 2025

The scholarship is open to females living in the Riverview School District or a female sponsored by an active RWA member desiring to continue her post-secondary education and who has not previously received an RWA scholarship. 

The award is based on overall potential including academic performance, school activities, volunteerism, and work history.   If the applicant is a Riverview High School student, please submit both the RWA SUPPLEMENTARY APPLICATION (below) and the STANDARD APPLICATION (found via RSD portal) by emailing the completed applications to scholarships@rsd.k12.pa.us. 

For applicants outside of Riverview High School sponsored by an RWA member, please complete the RWA General Application (below) and submit via email to Kelly Fetick, RWA Scholarship Chair, at kfetick@landisconsultinggroup.com.

The number and amount of scholarships available this year will be determined by the board in April, once the fundraising proceeds are determined.  

Riverview High School students please use this form:
Scholarship Form (RSD Supplementary) 

2024 RWA Supplementary Application (RSD).docx

Students outside of RSD sponsored by an RWA member please use this form:
Scholarship Form (Member Sponsored) 

2024 RWA General Application (Member Sponsored).docx